Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
by Ron Joseph
August, 2001
Disposal of House Paint
Q. I'm having difficulty finding the correct site to ask this question and hope you can help me. I need to dispose of several cans of laytex house paint and several cans of paint stain. I live in Beavercreek, Ohio. How can I safely dispose of these cans of paint? Thanks for any help you can provide.
Most cities have programs by which home owners can dispose of "hazardous
waste" such as the paints and stains you described. Generally, house paints
are not hazardous, but you would need to call the paint vendor, such as
Sherwin Williams, Kelly Moore, etc., to make that determination. If they
confirm to you in writing that the specific paint or stain you purchased is
not hazardous, then you can leave the lid off the can and allow the paint to
dry into a solid. Thereafter, you can dispose of the paint can as trash.
Do NOT pour the wet paint onto the soil around your house, because you do not
want to contaminate the ground water.
If you want to play it safe, call your local municipality and ask them if
they have a disposal site where you can take your paints and other waste
chemicals. That is exactly what I do. I never dispose of the paints and
related products into the trash can regardless of whether I think they might
be hazardous or not.